Governing Board

The SCCAA Governing Board is composed of citizens appointed according to the SCCAA By-Laws from within the County of Stark. The Governing Board is a policy-making governing body for all SCCAA operations conducted through SCCAA offices within Stark County. The SCCAA Governing Board delegates the day-to-day administration and program operations to the Chief Executive Officer. The CEO acts on behalf of the Board in terms of policy implementation and other internal management issues.

Private Sector Board Members

Following are the members of the SCCAA Governing Board representing the Private Sector:

Pete Dennis
Pete Dennis
*First Commonwealth Bank

Elizabeth Hibbs
Elizabeth Hibbs
*Early Childhood Education Alliance

Pastor Walter Moss
Pastor Walter Moss
* Canton Foursquare Church

Jonathan Morris
Jonathan Morris
* Redinger & Morris LLP

Bob Fay
Bob Fay
* Certified Public Accountant

Public Sector Board Members

Following are the members of the SCCAA Governing Board representing the Public Sector:

Kirk Braithwaite
*Appointee of City of Massillon, Mayor

Jerry Coleman
Jerry Coleman
*Appointee of Stark County Commissioners

Frank Meister
Frank Meister
*Appointee of City of Canton, Treasurer

Edward Lohnes
Edward Lohnes
*Appointee of City of Alliance, Mayor

Fred Scott
Fred Scott
*Appointee of City of Canton, Mayor

Constituent Sector Board Members

Following are the members of the SCCAA Governing Board representing the Constituent Sector:

Patricia Hudson-Russell
* Massillon Walnut Hills Residents Association 

Theodore Johnson
*Affairs of the Community Neighborhood Association

Panther Spurlin
Panther Spurlin
* Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority Resident Association